Videos InterviewsHear a variety of stories about Messy Church in different contexts. Judy VanDuzer, Marshall Memorial United Church Lucy Moore, UK Rev. Anne Anderson, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. Ken MacQuarrie, St Andrews Presbyterian Church Rev. Nancy Rowe, St. George’s Anglican Church Ruth Reid, St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church More Videos St. George’s Georgetown Messy Church – take a look at the Messy Church in Georgetown as Nancy Rowe and others tell about Messy Church there. Nancy Rowe tells the Zacchaeus Story using a Bible Storybag script. Messy Church Founder Lucy Moore talks about Discipleship in Messy Church First United Messy Church in Waterloo ON – After running their Messy Church for over four years, the team at First United shares their excitement about whats happening! Messy Church International Conference Highlights – May 16-18, 2016 at High Leigh Conference Centre England – Catch the excitement! Linda’s Messy Church Story Pip’s Story What makes Messy Church Special Paul & Alison’s Story Conference Keynotes Ecclesial Reality and the Letter to the Ephesians Living like Jesus – Discipleship Loving Jesus a Christ Centred Messy Church