Your introduction to all things Messy Church! You’ll learn the basics of discipleship and evangelism to help you stay grounded and focused, as well as practical tips and ideas for how to run a great Messy Church!

The course is free with registration on our web site. We recommend taking the modules in order, but you may revisit them or jump ahead at any point.
There are quizzes and questions to answer to help you absorb the content. These are for your own benefit, and will not be graded, but need to be fully completed to officially complete the course and get the certificate.
Upon completion of the course, including all quizzes, you’ll receive a certificate by email.
This course is for anyone exploring new ways of being church in their communities, those wanting to start a Messy Church, current leaders and practitioners, denominational and parish leaders, or anyone who wants a deeper understanding of Messy Church theory and practice.
Please contact us with your feedback.