Messy Church Canada provides resources to start up and grow your Messy Church. Resources are provided through our bi-monthly eNewsletter, workshops and gatherings, events, videos and other print materials. MCC also encourages our Messy Churches to share their ideas, activities, themes, food planning and the like as we all grow together – so do let us know about your messy journey!
In Messy Church you are not alone!
If you use Facebook, or Pinterest you will find lots of ideas and connections there. There is a Facebook Live each Wednesday on @messychurchBRF
The Messy Church Canada Course
Learn the ins and outs of Messy Church in Canada with our new course, covering the theology and best practices in starting and leading an effective Messy Church.
The Messy Church Canada Course
Your introduction to all things Messy Church! You'll learn the basics of discipleship and evangelism to help you stay grounded and focused, as well as practical tips and ideas for how to run a great Messy Church!
Events and Workshops
By attending a Messy Church workshop or Messy Fiesta you will have an opportunity to experience what Messy Church can offer your church.
- A Messy Church Workshop (90-120 minutes) is often part of a conference or an information session for a Diocese, Presbytery or Conference
- A Messy Fiesta is a full day (usually 10am-3pm) session that may be part of a conference or a stand alone event – usually on a Saturday. The morning is a themed ‘Messy Church’ gathering then presentations and Q & A in the afternoon.
- A Messy Meet Up is a gathering of Messy Church leaders and practitioners to network, share ideas, and learn about new ideas for specific topics or themes – generally for 2-3 hours. Often held on a Saturday or week day evening.
Messy Church Workshops and Fiestas will allow you to experience a Messy Church as well as to gather resources, and to explore the history of this innovative way of being church in a changing world. You will take away knowledge, skills and materials to help you get started – and have lots of fun as you meet with other interested folks!
Upcoming Events are postponed due to COVID-19
If you are interested in hosting an event, please let us know!
Check out our past newsletters and subscribe to the Messy Church bi-monthly eNewsletter to receive lots of free resources, articles, and ideas from Canadians and folks from around the world!
Leadership Team
And, perhaps most importantly, there are people who will help – here’s a list of the Messy Church Canada Leadership Team – we are spread throughout Canada but the gifts of technology mean that you can reach out to any of us! If you have questions, please get in touch with the Messy Church Team Leader.
Messy Church Themes
Messy Churches across Canada have submitted themes for inclusion on the web site.

There are wonderful themes in the three ‘Messy Church’ books as well as in ‘Messy Christmas’ and ‘Messy Easter’ and ‘Get Messy’ magazine (4 themes every 4 months) – most MC practitioners contextualize and put their own spin on what they do!
Canadian Themes
Submitted by Canadian Messy Churches

- What is a Prophet?
- Superheroes
- Jesus Knocks
- Blind Bart
- A New Start (Noah)
- Creation
- Living Water
- Talking to God
- The Sower
- The Lost Son (Prodigal Son)
- Bee Attitudes (The Beatitudes)
- A Little Help From Friends
- Let My People Go
- Journey to Christmas
Get Messy Magazine
Available from the UK, it is published every four months and includes great articles and themes. Click here for more information and to download.
Other Resources
Free Resources are available on Messy Church’s international website.
Many Messy Church books are available as a download from BRF: https://www.brfonline.org.uk/collections/messy-church Many of the resources include free downloadable support materials.
Resources Including Activities and Complete Themes
- There are a wide range of books available from the BRF
- The Get Messy magazine is available as a download from BRF