Winnipeg MB Canada
Rescheduled from October 2020 due to COVID-19 and re-created as an online event!
Messy Connections brought together Messy Church teams as well as those interested in launching Messy Church in a four-day conference with Messy Church founders and leaders. This conference was an interactive, energized, musical, and inspired online event that connected you with other leaders and with your own learning in Messy Church.
Messy Connections brought together international, national and local Messy Church leaders. Our leaders include UK guests Lucy Moore (founder of Messy Church), Jill Phipps and Katie Norman (International Messy Vintage Pioneers) and Stephen Fischbacher (founder of Fischy Music); Australian guests Sandy Brodine and Claire Dawe; and Canadian leaders Linnea Good, Mark and Jane Hird-Rutter, Susie McPerson Derendy., Neil Mancor, David Zachary and Andrea Gallagher-Courteau.
One of the conference goals was to explore Messy Church as a part of the means of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. With Indigenous leaders we explored story sticks, inukshuks, bannock making and the story of Turtle Island.
The videos of this conference will be valuable whether you are new to Messy Church and Messy Vintage and want learning opportunities, or whether you are experienced in these and want deepening opportunities. You will find all the videos at the end of the schedule.
The conference aims to be a connecting point for people and for ministry.
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Creating a Story Stick with Susie McPherson Derendy
Connecting Community: Rebuilding People through Play with Lucy Moore
Pel Mel! Messy Church as Multicultural! (will be partly in French) with Neil Mancor
Biblical Story Telling with Linnea Good
Messy Creativity – how Learning Styles matter with Sandy Brodine
Messy Music to Share with Ron Klusmeier and friends
Friday October 15, 2021
Soap Stone Carving an Inukshuk with David Zachary
Messy Friendship with Lucy Moore
Music as Welcome and Teaching with Fischy Music
Messy Church in a Bag and Messy Science with Mark and Jane Hird-Rutter
Messy Creativity – Something for All Ages with Sandy Brodine
Messy Planning – Get Messy Planning and Adapting with Claire Dawe
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Bannock Making with Susie McPherson Derendy
Messy Vintage with Jill Phipps and Katie Norman
Music as Prayer and Blessing with Fischy Music
Creation Based Messy Church – Telling Turtle Island with Andrea Gallagher-Courteau
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Living in the Mess, Living with the Mess with Lucy Moore
Thanks and AMEN!